These are stories that have been submitted to the site email
I was told Rape and being Gay was the same
So, I think I was 14 or 15 at the time, and it was just after the pastor of the church, had given a sermon about how gay people were wicked, and really nailed down how he completely misunderstood the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and how it was completely in reference to gay sex. So afterwards, I asked if I could talk to him privately, and I shared my thoughts on how I didn't think God could possibly think that two people in love who are simply the same sex and not hurting anybody else is wrong.The answer that I received from him is, to this day, the most disgusting and rage inducing thing anyone has ever said to me. He responded with, and I quote, "Think of it this way, Austin. Love itself does not make something right in the eyes of God. The action itself is still a sin. If somebody loved raping people, the love wouldn't excuse the rape, and it's exactly the same thing with homosexuality." So here I was, little budding gay, attempting to possibly get some kind of reassurance from an authority figure in my life, being told that my feelings were no different than fucking raping people. The effect that those words had on my mentality was extreme. At first, it really made me hate myself, but quickly, and thankfully I might add, the hatred moved away from me and towards the system that empowered people like this. And I know for certain that, that day was the day I stopped being religious. As far as I know God may or may not exist, but FUCK organized religion.